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Global press market recovery boosted Chinese press market2018-11-13 17:35:06
Global press market recovery boosted Chinese press market

  At present, China has become the world's largest consumer of plastics machinery, their consumption accounts for about 20% of the global market. 
2010 China injection molding machine production and sales compared to 2009 increased by nearly 40%, import and export delivery value increased by 70%. The latest study shows that (global injection molding machine market research), China's sales of injection molding machine has more than 200 billion yuan (equivalent to 30 billion U.S. dollars). German exports still maintain our competitive edge presses, injection molding machine in 2010 export value grew by 55.2%, approximately $ 853 million. The Japanese production of injection molding machine than doubled in 2009. This latest study also showed that U.S. exports and Italian injection molding machine sales began to rise. 
According to Chinese customs statistics, the month of May 2011, China imported a total of 1026 plastic processing equipment units, export 3941 units; imports amounted to $ 184,220,000, $ 119,760,000 export value, the month deficit $ 64,460,000.